
My name is Jen and this blog will be random writings about my life.  I cannot promise I will update it on a regular schedule as there are times when my depression takes over and my focus is on surviving rather than writing.  That said, this blog will go through the highs and lows of my life, almost like a diary that I hope to update at least once a week.

But first, a little about me...

I enjoy writing, mainly because I am a storyteller who likes to share with others.  My life is pretty open, believing that sharing my experiences will benefit someone...somewhere.  I post on both Vocal and Medium and, as of this post, have two self-published books on Amazon.  I am currently working on a sequel to my book, Pirate Ophelia, but it has been slow going as I work on other projects.

I also run an e-commerce website called Addicted Geeks.  My business is my passion, or at least one of them.  If I could make a living by writing, I would honestly rather do that than run a retail shop and deal with angry customers (there is always one).  I've worked retail for many years and would love to move on, but there is something about it that keeps bringing me back.  I suppose because one day is never like another, avoiding the monotonous work that drives me crazy.

I hope you enjoy my posts and find something that speaks to you in my writing.  I believe our purpose in life is to benefit someone else.  Otherwise, our experiences mean nothing other than to add to our own ego, wasting the knowledge instead of passing it on.

We should never waste knowledge.


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